Your personalized policy recommendation will include:
- Quotes for travel insurance from reputable providers
- Highlights of the important coverages based on your trip concerns
- Any drawbacks will be pointed out so you are informed
- Top pick based on experience from helping over 75,539 travelers buy travel insurance
- All in plain-English, delivered to your inbox within 24 hours
How it works:
- Fill out the form below
- Click the button at the bottom to submit
- I will prepare your personalized recommendation
- You will receive it in your email inbox within 24 hours
Why should you trust me?

Hello, my name is Damian Tysdal. I started this website in 2006 to help travelers understand travel insurance. I am a licensed insurance agent in MA in property, casualty, life, health, and travel lines.
Through this free website, I have helped millions of travelers to learn about travel insurance, and tens of thousands to purchase travel insurance. I would like to help you too.