The summer of the road trip has led many travelers to our wonderful National Parks…but many don’t know what to expect.
Are there park regulations to know?
Are people wearing masks and social disctancing?
What else should I know for a National Park road trip?
Our guest today is Alicia Filley from TheHealthyHiker.com.
Alicia and her family traveled to 2 National Parks and has a full report of safety conditions on the road, mask usage, regulations in the parks, and tips for when to go for the best enjoyment.
Please enjoy
Selected Links from the Episode
- TheHealthyHiker.com– Alicia’s website combining her physical therapy knowledge with her passion for hiking.
- AliciaFilley.com– Her main website for telehealth physical therapy, health, and wellness.
- Alicia on LinkedIn
- Alicia on Twitter
- Fairy Falls Trail– Alicia’s favorite hike from the trip
Show Notes & Timestamps
- What factors went in to the decision to road trip to a National Park while considering Covid-19 00:01:30
- Extra steps she tool for safety 00:02:11
- The general condition of mask usage on the road 00:03:19
- Why she chose AirBnb for lodging 00:04:08
- Requirements in the parks 00:06:08
- General compliance with masks & distancing 00:06:37
- How they beat the crowds 00:06:55
- Animal sitings and how they cause crowds 00:10:57
- Designating a “scout” for animal siting stops 00:13:32
- Fairy Falls hike 00:15:37