If you are taking a road trip this summer, you will be joining millions of other people out on an adventure.
But, what happens if there is a problem or accident on the road? It might be a medical emergency, accident, or anything else….but how what happens to your vehicle? How about your family? How do they get home?
Today’s show will feature Jeremy Murchland who is the President of Seven Corners insurance. Seven Corners is a travel insurance company, but in light of the popularity of road trips this summer they have put together a road trip plan called ARMOR.
This plan helps get you, your family, pets, or your vehicle back home when you’re out on a road trip and something happens.
Jeremy will also talk about how Seven Corners has made some changed to some plan so they specifically cover coronavirus, which will become extremely important as people start traveling again.
Selected Links from the Episode
- Jeremy Murchland on LinkedIn
- Seven Corners ARMOR policy
- Seven Corners Plus plans with covid-19 coverage
Show Notes & Timestamps
- Survey highlights about summer travel 00:02:43
- What can go wrong on a road trip? 00:03:51
- How road trip coverage fills a gap 00:05:46
- Ballpark prices for road trip coverage 00:08:28
- Common misunderstanding about this coverage 00:09:25
- Covid-19 coverage in other plans 00:10:10
- Why having ‘named coverage’ for covid-19 is vital 00:13:45