As reports of a bomb blast in Bangkok circulated last week, travelers are reminded that they should think carefully about what to do should a bomb go off where they are traveling.
What should you do if a bomb goes off in the street where you are walking?
Although you may be tempted to remain and render assistance, the experts advise immediately leaving the area where a bomb has exploded for two reasons:
- Unless you are a medically trained expert, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to offer the injured much assistance, and
- there is always the chance of a secondary explosion timed to cause additional damage and wreck rescue operations.
It’s a horrible scenario, but it’s been proven true over and over again. Terrorists will time their bombings to hit once and then hit again to cause additional damage. Â Leave the heroics to the local authorities and get as far away from the scene as possible, returning to your place of lodging where you can monitor the news and let folks know your condition and whereabouts.
While there is little to no value in over-worrying, it is worth your life to stay aware, pay attention to the security levels at public places where tourists are likely to congregate. If you must travel to places where the risk of terrorism is high, register your trip details with the free U.S. State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. When you sign up, you’ll automatically receive the most current information about the country to which you will be traveling and you’ll receive updates and warnings. Plus, the government will be better able to assist you in the event of an emergency.