You know how to keep your kids as safe as possible in the car and at home, but what about when you travel? Parents are urged by safety experts to plan ahead when traveling with kids. That means the following:
- Carry a basic first-aid kit stocked with bandages, pain reliever, antibiotic ointment, and insect bite ointment. This way, you can avoid the doctor’s office or an emergency trip to the pharmacy for common mishaps.
- Make a list of emergency contacts, including health insurance information, guardians, and the child’s doctor’s contact information can help in an emergency if you are unable to provide that information. Keep the list in your wallet or mobile device labeled ‘In case of emergency’.
- Have each child wear identification with their name, your name, cell number, where you are staying, emergency contacts, and other pertinent details like allergies. This can be typed up and put in their shoe or pocket or worn as a bracelet. This way, if you and your child are separated, the authorities can reunite you more easily.
- Check to be sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. Several recent incidents of children picking up whooping cough while traveling have made parents nervous. Your child’s doctor can provide information about necessary immunizations depending on your destination.
- Talk with your children about what getting lost means and what they should do in the event they are separated from you. Teaching your child to find another mother and ask for help is proven your best bet. Teach your child to remain still and wait for you to find them. This way they don’t race around looking for you, which can separate you even further.
- Take a photo of each child each day so you have a current picture and you know what they were wearing that day. This is so much easier these days with your cell phone camera.