There are many ways to see and travel Europe; the way you go just depends on your personality type. The different modes of transportation speak to different types of people. One mode may frustrate and repel one person, while it is the only way that another person will travel. So you have to see how you match up to a European train, car, bus, plane, or boat.
- You are super organized, want to get everywhere the fastest way possible and you are not interested in seeing the sights along the way, only after your get there. Then the best way for you to go is from one bordering country to another on one of the super sleek, super fast rail cars. Some of them are so fast you almost won’t have time to blink.
- You are a backpacker, like to camp or stay in hostels wherever you go, and want to just get to know everyone and see every single bit of Europe you possibly can. Hitchhiking by auto will probably be your mode of choice—you get to meet interesting locals or tourist—and see the country along the way. Hitchhiking may be illegal in some countries; in others it is highly acceptable.
- You are carefree, don’t have an itinerary planned, you don’t mind a crowd and are willing to go where ever the day takes you. The bus might just be the way for you to go. You get to meander and get off wherever you like along the route and you don’t really mind there isn’t another bus to catch for a few hours or a day, because you’re easy to please and can enjoy anywhere you find yourself.
- You are efficient, very particular about whom you sit next to and cautious about whom is around you. You will definitely want to plan your trips by rail in a private compartment, possibly a sleeper. This will give you the most private of travel modes, while still being able to check out the scenery and get where you want to go efficiently and alone.
- You are the seafaring type and love to be on the water. Your perfect European trip is on the lakes, the oceans and the high seas of any country you visit, the boat and ferry are your obvious choices. Ah, that fresh salt air!
- You are a do-it-yourselfer and are a control freak, more or less. You’ll want to have your own rental car, so that you can get up and go when your itinerary says it’s time. This type of transport might keep you in gridlock in the cities, but traveling between countries means the open road all the way, but only if you don’t get stuck behind a herd of sheep in the country.
- You were a bird in a previous life. You are a frequent flyer junky. You’re going to take the plane anytime, anywhere you can. First class or economy you’re just happy being in the air. Luckily for you there are lots of flights between many European countries.
So you want to know how travel Europe? Look to yourself and your personality will lead the way. You’ll enjoy your trip so much more if you have it just as you like it. Planning your trip is almost as much fun as going there, while you are making all your plans be sure to include travel insurance to your list. If you are paying fees up front such as transportation and accommodations then you will want to get a trip cancellation policy with your additional travel insurance. Just in case you have to cancel your trip, because of illness or another covered reason, you won’t be out the thousands of dollars you’ve already invested.