For people who are planning to go on a motorcycle trip, the obvious temptation is to jump on the bike and just take off. While this devil-may-care attitude may be appealing, it’s not advisable. You may remember that the two legendary motorcycle riders, Wyatt and Billy in Easy Rider did bring their stuff and you will be surprised that even the most free-spirited motorcyclists carry a travel insurance policy in their wallets, just in case anything bad happens to them.
Wherever you may plan to go and however long you may want to stay on the road, there will always be the possibility that your motorcycle will need some fixing up. For this reason, you will need a furnished toolbox to keep your bike going at least until the next motorcycle shop. The least you could do is carry a tire patch and some CO2 cartridges wherever you go. Most motorcycle brands come with a small tool pouch equipped with the most basic tools for motorcycle repair so make sure you bring it along.
A bike lock is also a must for any motorcycle trip, whether you plan to stay in a motel or camp out for the night. Disc locks are a good choice because they are small and sturdy, but they wouldn’t really do you any good if somebody just decides to haul off your motorcycle. That’s why many still prefer the bulky chain or cable locks to attach their bikes to something stable.
If you’re going to be riding under the bare hot sun, then, by all means, bring a waterproof, fast-drying sunscreen to protect yourself. Bring also a good lip balm to prevent chapped lips, which can be painful when exposed to the wind. Surely, you will not forget your riding gear such as: a high-quality leather jacket with lining, a cooling bandanna, fingerless, and full-fingered gloves, sunglasses, a face mask to protect you from the rain, a rain suit, a few shirts, a few pair of jeans, and underwear.
Camping gear is a must if you plan on doing some camping. These are often the most difficult things to pack because they are bulky, so make sure you bring a small tent and a good sleeping bag.
In this age, there are modern essentials you cannot live without, not anywhere or anytime. Your cell phone should always be with you, along with a cell phone charger that can be hooked to your motorcycle. Don’t forget to bring cash and credit cards and your travel medical insurance to cover any health expenses you may incur on the road.