New York Times article about business travelers and the need for world travel insurance
In an online article from the New York Times, a great story about business travelers and their need for worldwide travel medical insurance. The story stresses the need for companies to provide this coverage for it’s employees, and making sure you are properly covered. They particularily stress emergency medical evacuation, which can be extremely costly.
Medical costs and evacuation can easily cost over $100,000
Getting sick overseas, or anywhere in the world, can be a vary scary experience. There are language issues, local customs, local conditions, facilities, and payment systems. The need for an evacuation is even worse, because you need to be put on a transport, such as a medically equipped airplane, with trained nurses. These costs can easily total in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Around the world, travel insurance will protect you
If you travel for business, make sure your employer has taken the proper measured to ensure you are covered. Don’t wait until something happens. The time to check is now, before you even depart. Also make sure your policy includes medical evacuation coverage, and a 24/7 help line that you can call in a time of need.
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