The Feedback Fourm is an eBay style way for consumers to provide reviews for travel insurance companies. It is quick, easy, and most importantly, effective.
Here’s how it works:
- Go to and select Feedback Forum
- Enter the name of the company you are reviewing
- Select one of 3 Feedback choices
- Positive
- Neutral
- Negative
- Provide a short comment
It’s really that simple.
Again, just think of eBay and how easy it is to give and recieve Feedback. The eBay Feedback system would not work as well if they allowed long narratives or complicated reviews. They keep it simple with positive, neutral, or negative…and a short line of comments.
Why do the same for travel insurance? So people use it. By making it simple, fast, and effective people will use it, and provide other shoppers with some basic information about their potential choice. Epinions has some reviews for trip insurance, but less than a dozen.
Writing a narrative review like those on Epinions is complicated, time consuming, and subjective. That is why there are only a few of them, a fraction of a percent of the travel insurance buying market.
Imagine having several thousand “votes” in the Feedback Forum giving you some idea of where to start your search for travel insurance. Some companies would move to the top, while others would not. The people have spoken.